Applied Geography (2008) 28: 110-123.
Scale and Accessibility:
Implications for the Analysis of Land Use-Travel Interaction
Mei-Po Kwan and Joe Weber
An important methodological issue in accessibility research is how
the results are affected by geographical scale. Understanding the scale
effect and the associated modifiable areal unit problem (MAUP) is
also important for the analysis of land use–travel interaction. Using
a distinct type of accessibility measures, namely space–time measures,
this study examines whether the relationships among accessibility, land
use, and personal and household characteristics vary systematically
with geographical scale. Space–time accessibility measures were implemented
using an activity–travel diary data set collected in the Portland
(Oregon, USA) metropolitan area. Through multilevel models, the study
shows that these relationships are scale invariant.
Key Words: Accessibility; Land use; Scale; Space–time measures; Urban travel.
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